From Loreal to Neutrogena, it seems that everybody has a magical solution to help reduce eye puffiness, prevent wrinkles, and overall revitalize your eyes. However, if you don't want to spend an arm and a leg on a jar of eye cream, please read on...
For a range of eye problems, such as sore, tired eyes, buy a few teabags at your local grocery store. Depending on what is ailing your eyes, you may want to buy different flavors. For instance, buy peppermint tea to revitalize tired eyes, or chamomile or lavender tea to soothe sore eyes. Place the tea bags in a glass of warm water for about five minutes. After removing all of your makeup, preferably at night before you retire tobed, lie down and place a tea bag over each eye. Remove anywhere from five to ten minutes, depending on how long you want the effect to last.
To prevent and treat wrinkles and puffiness of the eyes, simply head to your local drugstore and purchase a tube of Preparation H, or any other generic hemorrhoid treatment cream. Dab a bit of this cream to the wrinkles of your eyes to help fight against wrinkles, or dab onto the puffy areas of your eyes. Wear this to bed, and wash off in the morning.
In order to moisturize very dry eye areas, dab a bit of petroleum jelly onto the area. You can also rub petroleum jelly onto your eyelashes to moisturize them and make them appear longer!
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